Saturday 20 April 2019

Unceremonious Exit

Eight months into power and the PTI-led government, under increasing pressure for its perceived underperformance, has decided on a major Cabinet reshuffle. The opening batsman, Mr. Asad Umar – the most powerful Minister after the Prime Minister, has unceremoniously exited refusing to be a part of the reshuffled Cabinet. A major blow for the PTI as they have now lost Mr. Jehangir Tareen, Mr. Aleem Khan and Mr. Asad Umar within their governing team – none of them hold any portfolio. The tall claims of the PTI leadership in their pre-election rhetoric is coming back to haunt them as they traverse the difficult political terrain. The constant U-turns and dithering policy making is costing them in terms of a support base that is starting to question their ability to effectively govern and deliver. The Prime Minister, unfortunately was unable to cobble together a professionally competent team from the outset and a re-shuffling of the same is unlikely to bring about any real change. Perhaps, Mr. Asad Umar made a wise decision in exiting the Cabinet and refusing a reshuffled slot, given his experience in managing the Ministry over the last eight months. There is a lot of speculation around the unceremonious exit of Mr. Asad Umar, and it is best not to delve into that and move towards the future as time is of the essence.

Read Complete Article: Unceremonious Exit

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